Windows Phone 8.1 + Macbook Air

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WPCentral Question

Oh-oh, I got a big, big problem. Ok guys, I going to U.S. this week to study drawing and design etc. I have a Windows Phone 8.1 now, and a Macbook Air waiting me there that I got from Amazon. I'm going to get a new phone there and I was planing for the Nokia Lumia Icon trough Verizon but, a lot of people including my parents are asking me to get an Iphone cause I already have an Macbook then with IOS 8 all will be synced and will be easier for me and for my work (drawing and design) and bla bla bla, but I don't like Iphone at all! I want Windows Phone douches! Ok, to sum up, I'm here to ask someone who knows how is to work with a Macbook and a Windows Phone, does it do great? Or I should really get an Iphone? And if someone knows, what about drawing and design etc. is it better with an Iphone? Please save me! Thank you very much anyway :)! Bye!
Of course the Surface is an option.

But anyways, there is a Windows Phone sync app for Mac, and obviously you aren't going to see the same level of connectivity between the two because you know, Apple, they work well together.
It's going to be OK if you use a cloud account to sync stuff between them, but don't expect iOS 8's Continuity or Windows Phone 8.1's bookmark and password sync.

Me? I could live with it, but I'd be happiest if I threw Windows 8 on that baby and my decision would come down on which form factor I prefer.
You really should get an iPhone if you have a Macbook Air. You could switch to an SP3 though. However it makes sense to have all apple products because of the continuity feature they are Apple are bringing with iOS 8 and Yosemite.

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