Why? No Pakistan?


New member
Jun 13, 2014
I wanted to ask this for a Long time. Why Microsoft Give nothing to Pakistan? We have Windows Phone here but its nothing different than any other Platform. In Pakistan we don't even have Kik Messenger in our Wp store and No offline maps in Here maps. We have nothing different than IOS and Android.
I agree, I'm a Pakistani and I'm forced to use the US store just because of the lack of apps in Pakistan store.
I agree, Pakistan only has a niche Windows phone community but it still sucks that loyal supporters like us don't get the same treatment as others do. No Here Maps.I haven't seen a single Microsoft Store in Pakistan. The Nokia stores here don't seem intent on promoting Windows Phone at all. All they care about is X platform. We don't have operator billing(not entirely the fault of Microsoft). We get devices extremely late. No competitions/contests like in other countries.
Basically, we are just people using Windows phones, nothing else. It sucks that MS can be so biased towards its bigger Windows Phone communities while remaining completely ignorant about the smaller ones like us.I mean we aren't the biggest Windows Phone community as a whole, but we are still loyal to Microsoft. Or are we just a bunch of nobodies using Microsoft devices and * cough cough* "services"?
I am not Pakistani but I guess maps are not available due to security reasons (not sure)... In my country when the war was in climax government advised google to block google maps of some parts. But that was about 5 years ago.Now war is over. All google services are available but not much windows services/nokia services. Like we still do not have here drive! I guess they do not care much about app development for small countries like us. By the way am from Sri Lanka. And I wish your issues to be solved soon!
But We are not in war or anything still Nothing Good available In our Windows Phone. I hope it get resolved too but for that we have to Get attention of Nokia/Microsoft.

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