What should I do. Not a real problem


New member
Oct 29, 2012
So for along time now I have been a WP junkie, each time a new high end phone comes out I get it. Mainly as you could guess Nokia. So I currently have the 930. Had it since release, but one of my original WP phones was the titan and i loved it and havnt seen a better looking phone since. Until the HTC One was released that phone nearly got me going to android (don't judge) but they just catch my eye. With additional storage as well its great. Then it was released on Verizon. Surely it will come to Uk soon. My question is this, are we now going to see some new break away high end phones coming from Microsoft that include the SD or would it be a safe bet to sit tight for the HTC one for the UK for the next 12 months.
I have the 930 and it just doesn't seem high end by todays standards. You look at all the gimmicks and gizmos the equivalent high end androids have. I just can't help but think that there is something else coming from Nokia/Microsoft in the next few months. I know that superman was cancelled but maybe something else. Something worth waiting for.
Then we should make some personal relation with microsoft Lumia device supporting team to advice them that we want something special much high end device. And I guess we will have that device soon. Actually my friend marriage and mobile are the same thing after buying mobile and marrying a women we thought, oh man! I was meant to wait.

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