Things that will make Windows Phone a better S.O.


New member
Jul 12, 2014
I think that WP is a great S.O. but need innovation, What do you think?

I mean, going beyond the usual reviews (personalization, Apps, etc..)
for example in my opinion if Microsoft decides create a USB that works with Miracast, I would see a USB with Miracast and USB OTG.

If you have another idea, post here: (with luck Microsoft will hear us) :cool:
Windows Phone need more flagship phones, since that what a lot of people look for in the US. These flagships need things like fingerprint scanners, actually competitive specs, wireless charging across all mid to high end phones and carriers (Lumias, AT&T), less confusion of names (same device and name on all carriers, Lumia), and more brands developing phones. Nokia, HTC, and Samsung aren't enough right now. Nokia has a large amount of Windows Devices, but needs more high end devices. HTC just released the M8 for Windows, but that's their only new Windows Phone device. HTC needs another device, or all HTC One's need to be Windows and Android. Samsung's Windows Phone offerings are behind their Android offerings. They need an ATIV with S5 specs or S6 specs when that comes out and possibly a Note sized Windows Phone device.
A start screen that looks more like windows 8(much more attractive,stylish, and adds a cool factor, which will definitely attract ppl in the us),better naming startegy(Lumia ONE, Lumia ONE mini, Lumia ONE max-to Lumia TWO,Lumia TWO mini,Lumia TWO max,etc),and need atleast two microsoft made flagships a year,like a flagship and a phablet flagship variant each year,with both being on ALL carriers,(this exclusive stuff really ruins intirest in windows phones in the u.s)
Understood all that is said but if MS doesn't improve the OS as they're trying to do now all of those suggestions would be for nought as developers wouldn't look 2X at the OS because there wouldn't be enough demand from the public to own a WP device to generate the revenue to substantiate the production of all those hardware ideas if ever produced. That's why right now how it's going may not be to many likings but honestly it makes 0 sense asking for more flagship phones for an UNFINISHED OS!!! Just wait until they've finished the GDR1+2 updates for the OS and then let's talk about new hardware from NOKIA(MS MOBILE),HTC,SAMSUNG,LG and hopefully SONY!!!
Right now with the update, they're still issues from some users around the world so wouldn't it be better as a WP user/owner to have a stable upgrade to your OS to show off to others to encourage them about the idea of change instead of just the talk and then no action within the functionality of the OS.

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