The iconic lumia 920


New member
Aug 14, 2014
ok so i've ordered a lumia 920 and i have a few questions, concerns, and want some tips and stuff..First off is the lumia 920 slow with 8.1+cyan now that it's available, and hows the battery life with cyan,also how easy is it to swap housings, or is it better to just buy the nokia official lumia 920 cases, also how durable is the screen, because my lumia 925 had been dropped several times flat on concrete ground and never got cracked,but i've heard of ppl dropping their 920's face down and immediately being left with a cracked mess.also what other cool acessories are nice to go with the lumia 920, preferabbly red, and lastly share some photos that you've taken with the 920 if u have one (some low light ones too along with daylight ones),so just to break it down
-PHOTOS TAKEN WITH 920 (lowlight & daytime):grin:
ok so i've ordered a lumia 920 and i have a few questions, concerns, and want some tips and stuff..First off is the lumia 920 slow with 8.1+cyan now that it's available, and hows the battery life with cyan,also how easy is it to swap housings, or is it better to just buy the nokia official lumia 920 cases, also how durable is the screen, because my lumia 925 had been dropped several times flat on concrete ground and never got cracked,but i've heard of ppl dropping their 920's face down and immediately being left with a cracked mess.also what other cool acessories are nice to go with the lumia 920, preferabbly red, and lastly share some photos that you've taken with the 920 if u have one (some low light ones too along with daylight ones),so just to break it down
-PHOTOS TAKEN WITH 920 (lowlight & daytime):grin:

My 920 is still speedy with 8.1 Update + Cyan.

Battery life is something I won't comment on, simply because I feel mine is abnormally bad, I'm currently experimenting with it. I g0t 10-12 hours off the charger since the 8.1 Developer Preview came out, and I dont know if the 8.1 Update (coupled with cyan) is affecting my battery life compared to normal 8.1 + Cyan.

Swapping housings is straightforward, although you may need to pull off stuff like the NFC coil and wireless charging off the old shell and put it on the new one.
Buying Nokia's cases is much easier and doesn't add much bulk. Although I found the yellow gets somewhat dirty and can't really be cleaned. Maybe I'll get a black later.

My opinion of the glass is fairly high. It's been dropped face down on dirty tile from about a yard up, onto pavement at an incline from about two yards and it hasnt shattered. Did suffer a couple big scratches early on, but with a screen protector, I dont see them anymore.
Know that drops are a very not-precise science, there is anecdotal evidence everywhere. Mine is that the 920 is built well, but the next guy might have a horror story of one that shattered from simply looking at it with a frowny face.

As for accessories, I love the wireless charging plate, otherwise i dont use much accessories.

There is a thread where you can share photos taken with your 920, go take a look at that.

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