My apps list


New member
Sep 2, 2011
Before update 1 for 8.1, I had a list of 1500 apps that I've downloaded since 7.x. Looking today, I have 30. Most of the apps I know I've paid for (even on 8.0) no longer recognize I've paid for them and want me to paid for them again. Example being angry birds star wars. Paid for it on 8.0, wants another .99 for some reason. Anyone else notice this?
Have you tapped on the buy button? Sometimes the store doesn't immediately recognize you already purchased an app. When tapping on buy, it performs a check and let's you install the app, if you've previously purchased it.
That's a lot of apps...

So, just to be sure I'm clear with this, you updated and you want to reinstall an app and when you go to get it, it has the Buy button? Have you tried pressing it? If you purchased the app before it remembers you bought it. You won't be charged again. If you're unsure of your purchase history you can verify it in the Store online or on the phone.
Yeah. I was looking at angry birds space. Already bought when I had a 521 r running 8.0. Buy button is there and it doesn't show that I've already bought it, as in shows the reinstall page.

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