Can I still get the Official Release of OS while Im in the DEVELOPERS PREVIEW version?

Inocencio Sanchez

New member
Aug 27, 2014
im running wp 8.1 update 1 developers preview
os version 8.10.14157..200 Developers Preview
firmware revisionnumver: 3051.50009.1424.00009

I'm worried that I might not get the official release of new os if im still in the developers preview?
Do I have to uninstall DP? If so How am I going to do that, and go back to my previews os which is 8.1.?

pls help...
If you look in your apps list, you'll find Preview for Developers is an app of its own. If you uncheck the box and cancel dev preview, you won't get any further updates until they are released "officially."

Under the DP, you do get the "official" OS + updates and new features before they are available OTA through your carrier. If you cancel your participation in the DP program, updates that you've already received will not be uninstalled, but any bug fixes to the DP (if your carrier hasn't released 8.1 yet) won't be installed either.

The purpose for the DP is to give devs an opportunity to write/update apps so they are ready when the official OS is pushed out to users, but it also can be buggier than the official OS because devs are the first to experience wide-scale deployment across every possible device. I think it's just Microsoft's workaround for pushing 8.1 to users while the carriers drag their heels. We're not beta testers, but perhaps gamma or delta testers?
Thanks! But One thing, noticed that Nokia software recovery is out of the store do you have/anyone have any suggestions how to go back to my previews operating system?

The Nokia Software Recovery Tool was never in the store. It is only available from the Nokia website. If you do a search at the top of the page, there are lots of links to it elsewhere on WPC.

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