IE on WP 8.1 Cyan, GDR1 -Lumia 925 behaves like S.H.I.T


New member
May 19, 2012
After updating to GDR1, Internet Explorer is behaving like ****. Am I the only one who has these problems??

1.When going 1 page back it often goes 3 or 4 pages back.
2.If there is a commercial in the middle of a page it's a dead spot when scrolling a page. Means when touching a commercial when scrolling it's not moving.
3. When going a page back or refreshing IE closes and the page is gone when opening IE again.
4.Touch is responding slow. Not just in IE but over all in the phone after the update. But it's especially bad in IE.

Sorry if my English is not correct but I hope you get the point.
I've had similar on my 925 although not as bad.
1&3. Sometimes when I go back more than one page it closer explorer and my open tabs.
2. Yep had this problem fairly bad on iMore's web page where it's difficult to get anywhere. And noticed it on others.
3. Only occasionally

Basically my phone seems a bit buggy since 8.1 and more since update 1. Sometimes get a loading screen when loading up messaging.
Mine is in general also more buggy than before the GDR1. Games closes, Gameshub updating like forever, startscreen lagging, double tap to wake, I have to like tap it really hard.
But the IE is my biggest annoying. I use UC Browser more often now.
Have you tried a full factory reset? I'm just waiting for Cyan then going to try it myself. Doesn't annoy me enough to warrant a reset yet, but after the firmware update I'll do it just to clean my phone up.

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