Help lost phone!!!

David Best

New member
Feb 17, 2013
Hi I (like a ****) lost my Lumia 620 while backpacking in Paris... The sim has been turned off by my mobile provider but the phone is still connected to my Microsoft account and the person who has found my is taking pictures that are being uploaded to my OneDrive and his contacts are mixing with mine.. Is there a way to stop that from happening??
Go to window on a pc Log in with your Microsoft account. Go to "my phone" below the picture of your phone should be a link to lock/erase your phone. Follow the instructions to lock the phone. This should stop them using your phone.
This will also stop them erasing YOUR contacts
If you have Find My Phone turned ON ... YES

You can RING, LOCK (w a message), or ERASE your phone from a browser on another device, it'll also give you location of the device. Alternatively, disconnect the device from OneDrive from a browser.

If NOT, you're SOL !
Ugh I feel like a noob, how could I forget that!! I clicked the erase link but it didn't work but it did say it would keep trying, but I went to the OneDrive site and couldn't see a way to disconnect it
If you have Find My Phone turned ON ... YES

You can RING, LOCK (w a message), or ERASE your phone from a browser on another device, it'll also give you location of the device. Alternatively, disconnect the device from OneDrive from a browser.

If NOT, you're SOL !

There is no way to turn it off. It is always ON.
I have managed to disconnect so they cant buy stuff from the app store etc but Microsoft cant reset or lock the phone because I think they need a phone number and my sim didn't work in Paris. It was a two week old phone so there wasn't much stuff on it anyway
That's the thing, Microsoft cant reach my sim because it doesn't work in Paris plus I called my provider and stop that sim
That's the problem. You should have used FindMyPhone to remote wipe your phone clean before you disconnect your SIM. Microsoft can't do anything if your phone no longer connects to the internet or your SIM no longer works. FindMyPhone works in one of the two ways:
1. Use SMS (default)
2. Use Push Notification (needs to be enabled in settings) which requires an internet connection.
That's the problem. You should have used FindMyPhone to remote wipe your phone clean before you disconnect your SIM. Microsoft can't do anything if your phone no longer connects to the internet or your SIM no longer works. FindMyPhone works in one of the two ways:
1. Use SMS (default)
2. Use Push Notification (needs to be enabled in settings) which requires an internet connection.
That still wouldn't have worked as my sim did not work In Paris, it didn't receive a signal so it was basically useless.
That still wouldn't have worked as my sim did not work In Paris, it didn't receive a signal so it was basically useless.

That's why I always enable the second option in my phone. So, as long as the phone connects via wifi, it has connection to MS and would allow the remote wipe.

The person who picked up your phone is obviously a novice. From what I heard, most thieves will not power up the phone without doing a hard reset fearing of being tracked by the feature.
Judging by the pictures he/she took I guess they are 35 and don't have a clue on how to the use the phone or even turn WiFi on but I lost it so I cant complain😳
Yeah but if they are storing numbers then the police can trace it...DONT ERASE YOUR CONTACTS OR PHONE

even if they could, i cant go back to Paris to pick it up, also disconnecting from my account hasn't worked as they still upload pics to my one drive so i called t-mobile and told them what is happening and they blacklisted the handset right away so no one can you it... i asked if they was anyway for them to unlock it and i was told "no, not without the password we just made up"..

thanks for all your help
well, you can do a "liam neeson" thingy
call the number and say..."i dunno who you are or what you want, if you dont stop, i will find you and kill you!" lolz! jk!

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