spying on a windows phone 8.1


New member
Jan 10, 2014
I may be a little paranoid, it's been bugging me for a while, is it possible that someone can spy on me - my google mail app on my windows phone, in particular- via any peculiar mean, like, my Wi-Fi? any other possible way?

I want to know all the possible ways of doing this, and how to prevent it, specially if they can eavesdrop on my Gmail, please help me. :)

clarification: I'm not in the business of spying nor planning to do so, it is the deed I despise the most, actually, and I disdain anyone who does it, I just believe that I've been a victim of spying. unfortunately.
I'd say you're a bit paranoid but to explain a couple of things.

Your Gmail is connected to a Google server. What Google allows is up to them. You should understand that aspect of things on that end. Though your information is probably safe aside from hacking.

As for WP, since the apps are sandboxed and your personal data is secured it's unlikely that anyone can spy on you on your phone.

It also depends what you mean by spying. How have you determined you're a victim of spying?
Thank you, dear N_LaRUE

I've suspected this since I knew it's possible to 'data sniff' on my wi-fi, the person I suspect was sharing a wi-fi with me, now I've obtained a cable for myself, stopped using Wi-Fi, but I still do on my phone, is it possible to data-sniff my phone, too?
Thank you, dear N_LaRUE

I've suspected this since I knew it's possible to 'data sniff' on my wi-fi, the person I suspect was sharing a wi-fi with me, now I've obtained a cable for myself, stopped using Wi-Fi, but I still do on my phone, is it possible to data-sniff my phone, too?

If you're opening up your WiFi to another person then they will have access to your data, there are many programs out there to access a persons information without them knowing on a PC.

As for WP, it's pretty secure and I'm pretty confident that you won't suffer data sniffing on that. It's not like a PC.

I would personally get a good firewall software for your PC and close your ports.
just one more question, :) they can have access even if I stopped using the wireless network, and switched to using only cable?

If you have someone connecting to your router, with either WiFi or cable and you don't have a firewall then you're pretty much open to attacks. It's that simple.

The only way to prevent it completely is to not allow them on your router/WiFi.
If you had a nice router or a server running your connection, you could do this:

Upside-Down-Ternet :smile::cool:

Could have also used wireshark when they were connected too, personally, I don't connect to other people's networks (with exception of family)

Yeah, put a wifi password on your wireless and make sure you have changed the login to the router, if the other person has, do a hard reset on the router since you won't be able to change the settings...

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