Lumia 1020 8.1 update rolling back to 8.0


New member
Nov 20, 2012
Hi guys have had my 1020 now for a month or so now and gotta say I like the phone but I am not really liking 8.1. Since I've updated the phone I have had to send the phone away for repair got black screen. The phone was sent back to me yesterday and I'm not impressed. All the issues I am going to list where happening even before the phone was sent for repair. Massive battery drain 50% in less than two hrs with very little use.
Live tiles are non existent my windows phone central tile has been showing 1 since I got the phone wont update or go away, speed dialling doesn't work when I speed dial it will phone somebody else in my contacts list. The phone wont keep time auto settings are on have to manually change time, screen flickering,screen freezing, won't auto sync emails I'm getting notification that my email account needs attention. Went to 02 shop this morning and asked is it possible to revert back to 8.0 the guy in store said it can't be done but I'm certain I read somewhere on this site that it can be done With Nokia recovery tool. Is anybody else experiencing these issues any advice would be appreciated. As I said up until 8.1 one I was loving my phone not so sure now:-( edit also have noticed that when i type a text message and hit send button the message disappears doesn't send the whole message just disappears really weird......Edit solved done a factory reset the second time but instead of using a previous back up I done a fresh reset started from scratch fingers crossed I haven't seen any of the issues I mentioned I have noticed a massive improvement in battery life yay!!!!!
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