How do I use wide tiles on my Lumia 1520?


New member
Sep 7, 2014
I'm taking a look at this link and the calendar is in wide mode:

However when I try to resize the calendar app on my phone, it won't seem to take up the entire screen, just 75% leaving 25% left. Is there anyway to enable wide tile support or make certain tiles like the calendar app take up 100% in width?
The 1520 and other devices in its class have a large display, so you are given three columns of space to use instead of the normal two.
The wide tile = 2/3 tile on your phone.
What he said...

Smaller screens were given the option to "add an extra column" under WP 8.1. Prior to that you could only have 1 large, 2 medium or 4 small tiles in a row. A column = 1 medium width tile. So 8.1 allowed small screens to go from 2 columns to 3 as an option that can be toggled.

Phablet sized screens (1520 and 1320) launched with WP 8.1 and have 3 columns by default with no option to toggle. I guess the theory is that 2 columns on a 6" screen makes the tiles too large and doesn't allow enough tiles on a screen view (too much scrolling). So, large is as large as it gets for anyone and on 1520 will only ever be 2/3 of a row.

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