8 inch bluetooth keyboard with trackpad?


New member
Jul 17, 2013
I've just bought myself one of those amazingly priced economy Windows 8.1 8 inch tablets from a Chinese manufacturer. I'm quite pleased with it apart from the fact I find using the desktop more than a little fiddley due to the size of the screen. The question I want to throw out to everyone is, does anybody know of an 8 inch Bluetooth v4.0 keyboard with a trackpad for the cursor?
I highly doubt those exist.

I have a 7-8" tablet keyboard for mine and its pretty dinky, and there's little space for a trackpad.
now if there's a pointing stick and buttons, I'd like to see that actually.

but I haven't seen any to date
Shame. I think the manufacturers have missed an opportunity here. What I really want is something where I can put the tablet in its cover/stand in front of me or on the arm of an arm chair and then use the keyboard as a handheld device. Maybe I'm a bit weird for not wanting to convert my tablet into a more formal laptop device.
I bought a Bluetooth clamshell type for an Apple Mini, I use one with my HP608 and a leather case which I modified. I USE Velcro buttons to aþach it to case. I USE another with a Samsung s2.

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