Windows Phone Upgrade Now or Wait


New member
Feb 12, 2014
Hi! Guys I had a L 920 but screen cracked at work due to a drop I know my coworker a 920 user as well was shocked couple days later I purchased a Att no contact L 925 I had for 7 months now the L 830 got and wondering if coming to US and if I should upgrade 925 to 830 or wait or wait for WP9 handsets also idk why but I've been thinking of switching to Icrap or Lagdroid but been WP since WP7 so I've never use any of these help
Thank you PS sorry for elongated story
there isn't too much reason IMO to swap out a 925 for an 830 as I consider the 830 a minor upgrade, but not exactly blowing the 92x away.

I'd stick with the 925 for a while, and maybe you could upgrade when the x40's or other x3x's come around.
The big upgrade from where you sit (with a 925) is the 1520.3. Available now. Factory Unlocked. Gets LTE on AT&T or T-MoUS towers.

Check it out: Nokia Lumia 925 vs. Nokia Lumia 1520 -

Make sure to get the .3 or RM-938. Best price I know of right now is at B&H Photo. Nokia Lumia 1520 RM-938 32GB Smartphone A00016717 B&H Photo or used even Used Nokia Lumia 1520 RM-938 32GB Smartphone A00016717 B&H Photo

I've had mine a short while. LOVE it. Upgraded to it from a 925. It's a monstrous beast.

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