Lumia 820 Cyan UK (Russian Double Agent)


New member
Nov 30, 2012
I have a Lumia 820 on DP 8.1 in the UK
I bought it from the carphone warehouse on Talkmobile.

the firmware number is 3051.40000.1347.1006

This number appears on the European availability list from Nokia, as an 820 from Russia -
Availability in Europe - Nokia

as my luck would have it, it seems to be the only 820 in europe that is still under testing (for Cyan) - apart from the UK Vodafone variant.
Interestingly talkmobile runs on Vodafone.

I would be interested to know:
1. Why my phone has russian firmware (when I bought it from a reputable retailer in the UK)
2. What are my options if it does not come out of testing - i.e. flashing? and how? I have heard something about navifirm

Cheers for any help!
Go to about windows phone and look under carrier that will confirm what country's rom your phone is running on. For example, I have CV GB which means I have the country variant for the UK.

The firmware number you posted can be the same for various regions.
My carrier is also CV GB.
So I guess I can update to cyan if I roll back to WP8? - as it is marked as available in the availability list

Thanks for the help

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