Cyan Update 620 Dev Preview

As of now there is no info or leak available. If you really need Cyan badly then use the NSR tool to get Cyan on your phone and then you can install the dev preview on top of that.
u mean downgrading to wp8 and then upgrading to wp8.1 using OTA..right?? but then i'll loose all my data
off course a backup can be done but i really don't want to do it that way. anyways thanks Lance for replying .
If Cyan is supposed to be available on your phone, you will not downgrade, NSR tool will provide you the latest official release (Cyan). I am actually holding back in using the NSR tool, because if I do that, I will lose live folders. I know I can bring live folders back by enrolling in dev preview again, but what if the problem in Bitlocker is still not solved by that time? I don't want to use the NSR tool again for Denim. So here I am, waiting for either the fix or for the official Denim update.

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