What do you recommend I do??


New member
Nov 25, 2012
I purchased an HTC8x 2 years ago. Since then I've upgraded to my wife's Lumia 928 since she went back to ios (boo). So, my contract is up and I really want a new phone. The main reasons I want a new phone are:

Better battery life
Larger screen
I dislike the bulkiness/square feeling of the 928
Lumia Cyan

Those are my biggest wants/needs. In a perfect world a new 15xx would be released but I don't think that's going to happen any time soon. Also note I am on Verizon so the 1520 is out of the question. I can't change cell providers due to work.

What do you recommend I do? The way I see it I have a couple of options.

Play the waiting game - I don't dislike the phone. I've been on 8.1 dp since April. But I hate the battery life. I am considered a moderate/heavy user. I have 3 e-mail accounts which I use a lot. I also use the phone a lot for work (OneDrive, office) sports, news, videos, books, exploring, and occasional games. I am bummed out about waiting but if that is my best option I suppose I will put up with it.

The other option and the option I see as the only alternative to waiting now is the HTC One M8. I do like the look of the phone. While I do wish I could get a 6" screen like the 1520 it seems impossible at this point in time. My reservations are mostly that I already owned an htc 8x and I had some bad experiences with the phone. Most likely just bad luck. I ended up having to swap the phone a total of 5 times due to manufacturers defects. Also I spent a lot of time with sim card errors on the phone as well. Basically moving to the 928 and updating to windows phone 8.1 saved me from going away from Windows Phone all together.

Even though I don't like the look or feel of the 928 the software has caused me to completely fall in love with it. My other reservations are that I will be with the HTC One M8 for 2 years. Meaning I will most likely miss out on a new phone sometime in the future that does have everything I want now. Also I am not quite sure of the battery life in the HTC One M8. I know it will be better than my current phone but I'm not sure how much better. Hence wanting the beast 1520 with the 3,400mah battery.

So, what advice do you have? Should I wait? Should I upgrade? What would you do in my situation?

Thanks a bunch!
Once you go for a new phone, you'll automatically miss out on any newly released device for the time being. That's not an argument. If it were, you'd never be getting any new device. ;) What about the 1320? It's of course not as great as the 1520, but still decent. No idea, if Verizon has it or not though. We don't have these exclusivity issues over here in Germany. We can get pretty much every device everywhere. :)
I used to own an HD7, which gave me tons of issues like you and your 8X. But I've rocked other HTC devices before Windows Phone (Blackstone, Leo) which were working like a charm. The M8 does look like a great device and if you don't have the change to get ahold of a 1520, I would go for the M8, if I were you.
The 1320 isn't on Verizon. Available phones on Verizon:

HTC One m8
Lumia Icon
Samsung ativ SE

That's it.

I for one definitely wouln't go for anything Samsung. How do you feel about the Icon? You should probably go to one of the Verizon shops, try out the available devices and choose the one that suits you most.
I for one definitely wouln't go for anything Samsung. How do you feel about the Icon? You should probably go to one of the Verizon shops, try out the available devices and choose the one that suits you most.

Bad batterylive. Take the One M8. The Batterylife is amazing.

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