Should I stick to Windows Phone?


New member
Jul 22, 2014

I love Windows Phone. I bought a Lumia 525 some months ago and so far, I love it. However, I'm facing constant harassment from friends and family for buying a Windows Phone. Also, I have to admit, the ecosystem here leaves a lot to be desired. Should I stick to this platform? Is the future of WP so good that I will have nothing to lose if I do stay?

Also, about high-end Android Phones, there are always drawbacks. HTC One M8 has a relatively poor camera, Xperia Z2 has poor screens in that class, LG G2 has too many pixels to keep up on performance, and I don't like Galaxy phones. I also am not fond of the Lumia 930. So, please give your opinions whether I should stick, and get a high-end Lumia (I'll wait for 940) or ditch for Android? And please give reasons why, if you can :grin:
Why not go dual OS? Get a Android tablet that way you have the best and worse of both worlds. :P

Seriously though. I can't say how WP will look in a year or two but at this moment in time there is still a lot to do. I'm personally a little over WP. Bit bored with the OS. Tired of the constant waiting. No hardware excites me currently.

My problem is that's how I generally feel about all the other OSs but the only thing going for them is the app selection.

If apps are important for you then switch. I wouldn't really care about what other people think personally. They're just being jerks because they can and let's face it, being a WP user it's easy to become the **** end of jokes simply because it's so easy for the others to do it. I've had several incidents where I tried to prove WP was good and it failed miserably.

So take it from there.
"Ecosystem is not matured and it needs a lot" is a quite high level of statement IMO and if someone likes a product, they will say this about all other products in that category (even I do so). Also when you talk about in details of 'what is missing', everyone can pin point based on their use and understanding. To me it looks like even Non WP phones have flaws and they are overlooked for years, for others its other way.

You should not be harassed for buying a type of phone for sure and if that happens, I think its because they like just one type of phone and all other is crap for them. I can say a phone good for me, based on how and what I want to use on it. Others might think its crap because they might want to do something with it which is not available. So until I see that something I want to do and its not available on my phone, to me any non WP phone is not superior to my phone. You can stick with WP if its solving purpose for you. If you want to move ahead with some other device, better check if that is going good with your needs first. I dont think I can ditch my phone just seeing that someone's phone is controlling their washing machine or refrigerator & they are making fun of that my WP cant do that.
The idea of dual OS is a great idea and something I recently implemented. I bought a Nexus 7 just a few weeks ago and after considerable time and a home page replacement I've got it working as I'd prefer. But as far as your original question, I would stay with Windows Phone. I really like the improvements that we've seen with 8.1 and GDR 1. I am looking forward to the Denim firmware (I'm running a 920 on AT&T) with Cortana always on. I am curious as to what the next flagship MM device will be.

While WP does need some work still, as does all of the mobile OS's, I am pretty happy with it. Some of the stuff that I can do with my 920 I just don't think I can do with an Android or iOS device. For instance I am running a Windows Home Server and an add-in called Lights Out. Lights Out allows the server to go to sleep when not in use to save energy. There's a Lights Out app for WP and a MS program for the WHS so I can wake my server using my phone from anywhere in the world and log in either with my phone or over the internet.

I also prefer the aesthetics of WP, I'm really digging transparent tiles over my custom wallpaper. I continue to be excited about progress on WP and will not leave the platform.

I love Windows Phone. I bought a Lumia 525 some months ago and so far, I love it. However, I'm facing constant harassment from friends and family for buying a Windows Phone. Also, I have to admit, the ecosystem here leaves a lot to be desired. Should I stick to this platform? Is the future of WP so good that I will have nothing to lose if I do stay?

Also, about high-end Android Phones, there are always drawbacks. HTC One M8 has a relatively poor camera, Xperia Z2 has poor screens in that class, LG G2 has too many pixels to keep up on performance, and I don't like Galaxy phones. I also am not fond of the Lumia 930. So, please give your opinions whether I should stick, and get a high-end Lumia (I'll wait for 940) or ditch for Android? And please give reasons why, if you can :grin:

I am sure that Windows Phone will improve over the comings years however since Windows Phone is closed source it may possibly never compete with Android in terms of functionality.

But Windows Phone is a great OS if you like the Metro UI, the live tiles and the great camera applications.

The only reason to move to Android in my opinion would be if you wanted more functionality, better apps or better performance.

If you don't like all those Android high-end, what would you end buying? A Nexus?

I actually bought a Nexus 5 moving on from Windows Phone just a month or two ago, it's amazing.
My wife and I switched to WP last year in Dec. It was an adjustment coming from IOS, however I truly believe in the ecosystem and the growth I have seen in that time has been nothing short of amazing.

What has kept me excited about it??
- the announcement that Satya Nadella made about "Cloud first, mobile first". Means that as a company they are committed to making drastic changes, and putting all of their money there. And they have alotttttt of it to outlast all of the negative press.. (just look at the success of the Surface, they road that out until Surface 3 came out, which I think was the first item to actually turn a profit)
- there is no other interface like WP, to me all others are boring now
- the mindset of making all of the code modular across all platforms. (this makes it easier on Dev's and keeps consumers with a consistency that is comforting)
- the app count has more than doubled since I bought my phone
- eventually I think Google will finally break and make apps for WP (GPlus, Youtube - even thou we don't need it now) When that happens I think it will be another turning point that this is a for real legit 3rd option)
- The constant influx of new hardware vendors and choices are growing constantly

The bottom line for me is, even thou MS is pushing thru all of the growing pains, negative press, and listening to the community to implement new design changes, I cant imagine using another OS. To me Apple has great products, but their heavy handed control of everything is frustrating, and the Android OS just never clicked with me. Samsung hardware is nice, but you can get Samsung with Windows on it so there ya go.

my 2 cents.
OP: That decision is entirely yours to make. Are you a follower or an independent thinker who can make choices on his own? I chose WP because after using pretty much all other OSs out there, I found it to be fresh, different and the most stable of them all. Would I like to see some apps come onboard and support WP? Sure! No platform and no device is gonna be perfect. You have to go with what works for you. If I were to follow other people's advice when it comes to purchasing things, I'd be driving around in gas guzzling vehicle as opposed to driving a hybrid. I inform myself, do my own research and do my purchasing based on that.
I am sure that Windows Phone will improve over the comings years however since Windows Phone is closed source it may possibly never compete with Android in terms of functionality.

You mean how closed source Windows had no chance of competing against open source Linux? Oh wait...

On a side note, Android is only open source if it's not Google-Android. In the western world the subset of Android that deserves the open source moniker is small and continually shrinking, with good reason one might add, because in the east, open source Android has surpassed the popularity of official Google-Android, which Google isn't exactly happy about. Either way, I don't think the open source argument is in any way relevant to consumers.

However, I'm facing constant harassment from friends and family for buying a Windows Phone.

Anyway, If my family and friends ridiculed me about my phone, I'd say my phone is likely worth more than my family. I'd go to a family-store and see if I could get a new and cheap family on contract. Pro tip: make sure that the family you get has the popular pay-allowance and make-breakfast apps included. Failing that, I'd go to a self-esteem store and get one that is less susceptible to ridicule about my phone, and try to make up my own mind about how much I like or don't like my phone. If I then found out I'm using it only because I hope it gets better in the future, and that it doesn't currently offer me anything that I really enjoy, then I'd switch, otherwise stay.

This is all tongue in cheek. If they notice that you couldn't care less about what they think about your phone, because you like it, I bet they'd stop. Some might even take a more serious look at WP themselves.
However, I'm facing constant harassment from friends and family for buying a Windows Phone.

Lmao. If they're teasing you then fair enough. If not, then you need new friends! Though about the family, you're kinda stuck there :)
I get support by my friends whatever I choose. It's just sad that people should be ridiculed because they did not conform any copy everyone else.

Look, you don't have to stick to the platform. If you want, go away to another platform, see how it goes, and maybe in a year or two WP will have matured greatly and you'll be ready to return. You could even give the new Amazon Fire a go. (Just, please for the love of all things holy, don't go to iPhone. That would be a completely facepalm thing to do.)

The main thing is that you explore the market. Leaving now doesn't mean you don't have to come back later!
Make up your own mind and buy what YOU enjoy. Real family and friends might tease you on your phone choice but not to the point you feel harassed. If anyone does that, might be time to reconsider who you hang out with. But you're stuck with family! :)
Sent from my Lumia 1020 using Tapatalk
I would never let the behavior of others dictate my decisions. Blackberry users have been laughed at for awhile now. Who cares? If the OS works for you and makes you happy, use it and enjoy it! If not, move on. I wonder what people would say if you went to a flip phone? 😉
Well if you switched or went with Dual OS
Try a OnePlus One, you can get it on ebay or wait next month for public release.
Why that of all? Frequent constant updates, loads of customization, and you can block google services and such if you don't want them :p
Or buy a cheap android and load up cyanogen on it, works too for anti google users :3
Me I don't mind the waiting toooo much, but it can get really irritating, but it can only get better from here on.
It would take a seriously stupid mistake on MSs part to not improve.
I would never let the behavior of others dictate my decisions. Blackberry users have been laughed at for awhile now. Who cares? If the OS works for you and makes you happy, use it and enjoy it! If not, move on. I wonder what people would say if you went to a flip phone? ��
I actually know a few people who are still hanging on to flip phones! And you know what? When they get picked on or made fun of, they just don't care!!!!
I actually know a few people who are still hanging on to flip phones! And you know what? When they get picked on or made fun of, they just don't care!!!!
My first phone was the Motorola w175, I had it for 6 years.
Second was a zte midnight from net10, (worst purchase ever lol and cant get cyanogen mod on it I think im not sure, gave it to my sis so she can kik a friend of hers)
Got that back in May, and mid July this year I bought the Lumia 521 and use it to this day :P
My dad has a Samsung Rugby II flip phone that was given to him for work and a Motorola c139 and he doesn't care :P
Buy whatever makes you happy or gets done what you want done. If that's WP, so be it. If it's not, so be it. Don't let other people influence how you spend YOUR money. Here endeth the rant.
Why not go dual OS? Get a Android tablet that way you have the best and worse of both worlds. :P

Seriously though. I can't say how WP will look in a year or two but at this moment in time there is still a lot to do. I'm personally a little over WP. Bit bored with the OS. Tired of the constant waiting. No hardware excites me currently.

My problem is that's how I generally feel about all the other OSs but the only thing going for them is the app selection.

If apps are important for you then switch. I wouldn't really care about what other people think personally. They're just being jerks because they can and let's face it, being a WP user it's easy to become the **** end of jokes simply because it's so easy for the others to do it. I've had several incidents where I tried to prove WP was good and it failed miserably.

So take it from there.

It is a good idea, but how are Windows 8 tabs? Are they any good?
Thanks for your time. I love the Metro UI, coz it's REAL easy to use it on one hand lol. If I ever switched back to Android, I would use a WP8 launcher lol. It's that good. But ever since the rumours in the Nokia brand disappearing, I started having little doubt about the growth of WP as a whole. Can you please tell me how removing a household name is not a bad idea, if you don't mind?

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