Use same account on two phones


New member
Sep 12, 2014
Hi guys, with all the new phones coming out for windows phone 8.1, I always see people mentioning that they have more than one, one of them being their work phone, weekend phone, etc. I have a Lumia 1520 and, although I love the phone, sometimes it's too big for daily chores (gym, going out, etc.) I am very curious about trying out the new Blu phone, specially because it has Dual Sim capacity and I travel to Mexico a lot (live right on the border). How can I go about using the same account on two phones, where I can have the same configuration, start screen, etc.? This would be really helpful! Any help would be greatly appreciated.
There's no reason why you can't simply log into to the other phone with the same account and have the same setup. Just keep in mind whatever you do on the one phone will be copied to the other.

If you're happy with that then that's all you have to do.
Thanks for the advice. I am mostly interested in keeping whatsapp, which is the app I use the most, so it's great that I can get the stuff I do on one phone onto the other. I love my Lumia, but I am still paying for it and cannot request it having it unlocked with AT&T.
Thanks for the advice. I am mostly interested in keeping whatsapp, which is the app I use the most, so it's great that I can get the stuff I do on one phone onto the other. I love my Lumia, but I am still paying for it and cannot request it having it unlocked with AT&T.

I'm not sure about Whatsapp data being passed between the two. Does Whatsapp allow backup yet? Doesn't it rely on the phone number?
I have no idea about whatsapp having a back up, but maybe I can circumvent such issue by having a dual-sim phone. Or so I like to think. :)
WhatsApp doesn't backup chat history. (only to SD). If it had I MAYBE would have changed my phone long time ago. I love my 928 but was looking towards 1020/930/925 (camera/new/design)

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