Broken Screen and no backup


New member
Sep 13, 2014
I posted this in the Lumia 928 section before I saw this forum. My apologies for the duplicate post.

So I could use so much needed assistance. The screen on my Nokia 928 broke today, and I replaced it with a Nokia Icon. I love it so much already, but i'm having a few issues/questions

I can't get onto my Lumia 928 to update the backup. Apparently the last backup for my 928 was in April of this year (even though auto backup was on) and I don't wish to use that info. The screen is unresponsive, but the phone turns on. So I figured to plug it into the computer and pull all my documents/sync it and then just plug in my icon. Problem. 928 has a lock screen. Is there any way around this? The desktop app says I need to unlock the 928, but I cant with the broken screen.

If there isn't, when I last synced my 928 to my computer (much more recently), if I sync my computer to my icon, would I have all the recent data from my computer from the 928 that I could put on the icon? I'd be fine with that because personally the Icon is using the backup file from April 2014, and I'm getting texts I know I deleted prior to that. It's frustrating. Not all my texts from april have shown up, so im unsure if the recovery is complete/even working.

Lastly, could I possibly download a developer kit, or some program that lets me view my start screen while my 928 is connected to the computer? That way I could navigate to the 928, back it up./sync it then hook my icon and be good to go? Thanks in advance to any replies, this has been such a horrible day. I'd rather my car got stolen than this.... :S
The only option I know of is to use the ProjectMyScreen app for the desktop on a Windows 8.x computer, as it will allow you to use your mouse to slide up to unlock the phone screen. However, if I'm not mistaken, you will have to tap the screen on the phone to give permission for the app, so that's kind of a bummer there. I'd give it a go and see if you can get it to work, though. Can't hurt to try.

The automatic backups don't backup everything. However, your app purchases and all are automatically backed up with your Microsoft sign-in, so you just have to reinstall those. However, you may have lost your data with those apps.

As far as pictures and other documents, yeah, plug the phone into the computer to access the files and copy them manually. It's the best you can hope for at this point.

The only thing I know of that lets you view your phone screen is the ProjectMyScreen app for desktop. Pick it up and see how it works for you. Let us know.
On your 928, did you have developer preview 8.1 installed by chance? If so, install it on your Icon too first, then do a hard reset and see if there is a newer backup available for restore.
I'm not seeing the ProjectMyScreen app in the marketplace. Is It under a different name?

I did have the developer for preview build on my 928. Are you suggesting I download 8.1 on the icon and do a hard reset to find a newer backup? My fear is I've already claimed my backup from my 928, and updated with a new one on the icon, so wouldn't I need to update the 928 again first?
Project My Screen is not in the marketplace/store. It's a PC Windows app available from Microsoft. The phone counterpart is built into WP 8.1.

Yes, that is what I'm suggesting. If your Icon is still on 8.0, it won't find any backups that were created in 8.1 so download developer for preview again and once it finishes the updates, do a hard reset and see if it finds a newer backup. The likely reason why it is showing your last backup is from April is because that is the last backup you have from 8.0. Now if you left your 928 with an older build of 8.1 and you download the latest preview build on your new Icon, you should still be able to see the backup. I'm not 100% on this but I don't feel it should matter if your already claimed your backup on 8.0 as the 8.1 ones should be separate.
Regardless, I wouldn't do anything on your old device other than to create a new backup with the Project My Screen if the above procedure updating the Icon to 8.1 does not find a newer existing backup.
I just got home, I'm gonna update to 8.1 and factory restore through my settings on the phone. Under which setting allows me to do a factory restore? I thought I saw it, but cant find it anymore.
Also, lets say these two options fail to work. I had synced my 928 on my computer sometime this past july/august, so would I be able to sync my Icon to that old data?
I just got home, I'm gonna update to 8.1 and factory restore through my settings on the phone. Under which setting allows me to do a factory restore? I thought I saw it, but cant find it anymore.

Go to Settings and under the system settings you will see 'about.' Once you tap that you will see an option 'reset your phone'
Also, lets say these two options fail to work. I had synced my 928 on my computer sometime this past july/august, so would I be able to sync my Icon to that old data?

When you sync to your computer, it syncs your pictures, music, etc. It does not sync your app list, text messages, and other settings. So, it depends on what you want to restore. The backup that you should find when updating to WP 8.1 would have the latter. If you are interested in restoring the pictures, music, etc., those will be found on the computer or you can get them from your old phone by plugging it into the computer and using the file explorer to copy anything you need (You do not need access to the phone screen for that).
Ok!!!!!! So I was able to recover my newest app data onto my icon, THANK YOU. But even better, the screen app worked on my broken lumia 928. I was able to remove the lock so I can get onto it, and now I can sync with my computer. One last thing. My text backup[ was set to off on my 928, which is why not all my txts went to my icon. I need some advice. Is there a way to turn off my icon, make the data on my 928 the most up to date synced phone in the cloud, then switch over to my icon and update it? Since there was a period of texts from Jan-now on my 928 that weren't backed up, I was wondering if that would backup all my texts, and allow me to access it on the icon. Is this possible? Thank you again so much, a huge weight is off me
Ok!!!!!! So I was able to recover my newest app data onto my icon, THANK YOU. But even better, the screen app worked on my broken lumia 928. I was able to remove the lock so I can get onto it, and now I can sync with my computer. One last thing. My text backup[ was set to off on my 928, which is why not all my txts went to my icon. I need some advice. Is there a way to turn off my icon, make the data on my 928 the most up to date synced phone in the cloud, then switch over to my icon and update it? Since there was a period of texts from Jan-now on my 928 that weren't backed up, I was wondering if that would backup all my texts, and allow me to access it on the icon. Is this possible? Thank you again so much, a huge weight is off me

Okay, so on the 928, turn text message backup on, then go to Settings and email+accounts and long press the Microsoft Account and sync. This will force a sync of your text messages. In some cases you might have to do it multiple times if there are a lot of text messages and it states that it is not up to date. Then try to do the same on the Icon and see if it pulls the text messages in.
I'm getting that error on the 928 when my text back up is on my main Microsoft account won't be able to sync. :( Checked all the Microsoft help support forums and haven't found a solution... :(

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