Cant get LTE on my Samsung ATIV S Neo AT&T branded phone


New member
Sep 13, 2014
Let me start by saying yes I have the LTE service on my account. I have 9 phones on this account and I can take the SIM card and put it into another phone like an S4 and it has no issues getting LTE.
I got this ATIV S Neo to try out (the windows OS that is) but I cannot for the life of me get LTE. I reset the phone still don't get LTE. I only get a 4G logo in the top, Ive done speedtests and barely get 2-3meg when the same card in an AT&T S4 can get well over 20-30meg on LTE.

There was no APN configured after the reset, so I thought let me configure one, and used the AT&T "phone" one as that is what the Android phones I have use. Still didn't get LTE. Cingular.Wap doesn't provide LTE and yes I tried it.

Not sure what Im doing wrong, I know this phone supports LTE, it is the AT&T branded one, its not a Sprint one. Is there a hidden setting I need to go to make sure the LTE band is enabled?

Re: Cant get LTE on my Samsnug ATIV S Neo AT&T branded phone

Dang it, I clearly spelled Samsung wrong on the title, cant change it either.
Re: Cant get LTE on my Samsnug ATIV S Neo AT&T branded phone

Just want to mention here that I got it fixed. Ended up calling AT&T and turns out according to them, because they didn't have the IMEI and it wasn't synced to the SIM card it couldn't get LTE. Once the tech synced those two up on the phone, made me reboot the phone, then all the sudden I got LTE. So definitely was a "server" side issue in not being correctly provisioned instead of APN issues.

Re: Cant get LTE on my Samsung ATIV S Neo AT&T branded phone

Problem fixed, LTE issues was due to IMEI and SIM card not being synced according to AT&T tech support, wasn't an APN issue.


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