Need help if I should purchase Lumia 930

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Hi there.
I am considering buying a Lumia 930 (or an LG G3 or HTC One M8).
I would like to get some first-hand comments from people who have actually used the devices, as compared to reviews and hands-on videos/blogs I have watched online.

Here are my requirements:
- usage is primarily on social media and internet browsing (10+ hours of mobile data for viber, etc -- primarily used for work), no gaming apps that require top of the market specs
- apps used is limited to facebook, instagram, twitter, mail apps (currently using ymail and gmail), browser (currently using chrome on my phone, but using both chrome and IE on my desktop)
- good camera is a plus
- not dependent on carrier
- outside of US

Here are my queries:
- i went to check the windows app store, and find some negative reviews on facebook app (there are also in instagram not having video, but i dont care about that), how true is that for L930 running on W8.1?
- im quite wary on the comments on other threads that i might not be able to use chrome smoothly in 930. im an android user for a good 3/4 years already. hope you can kindly clarify if such a problem is true
- as mentioned above, im not looking for a top of the line specs since im only a "basic or average" smartphone user, im not sure if G3 is a good buy since i wont be able to utilize its impressive specs and features, except for the laser autofocus, but the camera of L930 looks promising that's why im really having a hard time choosing
- G3 and L930 is almost the same price here in my country, around 20usd difference that is.

hope you guys can me help out.
thanks in advance!

- AJ
Let me spare you more pain: DON'T buy it.

Here's why, based on your requirements:

- The facebook app, just like basically all other apps on WP, are inferior to the experiences on Android and iOS. The apps always get updated much later IF at all (Instagram is horrible and has been on beta forever). The apps run well on the 930, the problems people complain about are with the app itself and its lack of improvements.

- FORGET CHROME. FORGET anything Google-related on WP. Google does not support WP, they have only Google Search available in the Windows Store. There's no YouTube, Gmail, Google+, etc etc. If you intend to use Google products on WP, you're in for a painful ride of relying in 3rd party solutions. Some are actually very good...but those are also normally paid.
On Windows Phone you either use Internet Explorer or you'll have to use UC Browser or the recently-arrived Opera Mini. There's no Chrome, no Firefox, no Safari.

Based on your queries, I would not buy the 930.
The LG G3 is a great phone ALTHOUGH it doesn't have that great of a battery life because of that superfluous 2K display. The M8 is also a great phone but it has the worst camera on any flagship device in the market across the 3 major platforms.

From the 3 phones you mentioned, the Nokia L930 is the best in terms of camera. The question is: are you willing to abdicate all those things you asked about in favour of a great camera?
If your answer is "no" but you still want a great camera, there's only one place on Android where you can find cameras that match Nokia's: Sony. Check out the Xperia Z2, Z3 and Z3 Compact.

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