I have windows 7 installed on my laptop, I regularly transfer files from my laptop to my Lumia 630. I am unable to edit these files on my Lumia 630, which are saved using Windows 7. Pls help.
Saying they are saved by Windows 7 tells us nothing. Many applications run on multiple OSes, such as Vista, XP, 8, etc.
We need to know what kind of file it is/what program is creating/editing the files.
Change the default save behavior of Office 2007 to make sure it is saving as .docx. I can't recall of the top of my head how to do this. I don't have access to an office install that old. Also make sure office is fully updated with the latest service packs or the files won't be in the right format. You may have to have at least office 2010 to edit the files, just due to the old formatting. That is 7 years old now.