Any SMS Manager Apps available?


New member
Feb 20, 2013
I'm trying to find a decent SMS/TXT manager application, or a Windows Phone (8) setting that I can use to better control how much info is available on the phone.

Ideally, what I'd like to do is have the phone auto-delete texts older than say, 30 days. (Right now, all I can do is delete my text messages individually, or en masse by deleting the entire conversation thread.) After perusing the forums, I could find no solid recommendation, though it seems that other similar requests include the option to flag/lock messages so as to prevent accidental deletion, keep picture messages but clear text-only ones (and the reverse as well; clear photos, but not text), apply filters to the above options (keep all texts from these people, but trim off the older messages from the rest of my contacts), and/or have a text message search feature (ex: who told me <this>, and/or when?). Several searches of the app store have turned up disappointing results.

I'm not trying to auto-backup or retrieve backed up conversations. There seems to be enough backup options available, but for on-phone text management, there doesn't seem to be anything available to fit this need/want. Any suggestions?

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