A good windows phone that will last me at least 3 years (maybe?)

Oct 28, 2013
Firstly sorry if I'm posting this in the wrong place. Now into the business:
Sadly nowadays phones seem to be made as disposable devices, as if they weren't made for a very long life spam, which is my problem. I'm looking for a good and reasonably priced phone that wouldn't show its age that fast, that although doesn't necessarily needs to be utterly competitive in the make it needs to maintain its user experience good even after some time (like 3 years or so) and lately I've got my eyes on the 930 and 830 (favoring the 830 due to its price) yet before I can buy I what to make sure if there are other options. So what do you guys suggest me ?
My top concern is the battery's lifespan, especially how many have sealed batteries (which are a big pain sometimes)
But it really depends on your tech skill. If you're comfortable with replacing a device's built-in battery, then it might not be such a big issue.
My first pick would be the 830. Performance isn't on the level as the 930, but it will work fine. I imagine Windows Phone's overhead to remain stable enough, especially considering the floor of 512 MB RAM devices. (My 920 still runs well.)
The display is an LCD, and will likely last longer than OLED devices, although I can't say for sure considering that the tech is always being refined.
The camera is quite nice, and the battery pack beats my 920's but by only ~+10%.

As for others, I dont like Samsung's track record to date, HTC's is relatively unproven since I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt around commitment to supporting the M8 for Windows. (although the previous devices, the 8XT, 8S, etc. dont paint a pretty picture.)
But if those software updates don't concern you, I think some Samsung ATIVs can be solid devices.
I don't think their is a current windows phone that is good enough verses the competitors to last two years let a lone 3 years. It depends on your budget, the 930 or 1520 would be your best bet.
As for others, I dont like Samsung's track record to date, HTC's is relatively unproven since I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt around commitment to supporting the M8 for Windows. (although the previous devices, the 8XT, 8S, etc. dont paint a pretty picture.)

If I didn't drop my almost 2 yr old 8x in the sink I think it would have lasted 3 yrs, easy. It was a solid phone and I never had a problem with it (except it wasn't water proof if that counts).

But, back to the OP's question. I'm not sure what phones are offered where you live. Futhermore, I'm not sure anyone can predicted a certain phone will last 3 years. I think just about any of them would if you take care of it. My friend is still on a WP7 phone and has no plans of changing soon. I like the HTC phones but If I had to give you advice I'd suggest one of the Lumia that is in your price range. I think they will have the better chance of support and as long as you take care of it, should last three years.

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I guess I'll be getting the 930, although it's pricy, based on what I've seen it is a pretty solid device and the price is justified by its processor and camera (the screen too). Thanks for the tips guys

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