Lumia 620, Windows 8.1, overheating and battery drain in low coverage areas


New member
Sep 6, 2013
I got the update, here in India, three weeks back. Things were going perfectly until four days back my phone started going extremely hot with a battery drain of 100% in less than two hours! This happens ONLY in my office building and when travelling in trains, which means it's to do with locations with low coverage. The only way I can recharge my phone in the office is keeping it in airplane mode.

But I am not sure if this is hardware or software related. The following are the steps I have taken in chronological order over the span of these days, none of which have helped:

1) Hard reset without app and settings backup. Fresh start hence.

2) Uninstalled Photostream (lockscreen app), Skype

3) Google, Outlook, etc. accounts set to sync every two hours.

4) Initialised all apps.

5) Kids corner activated and deactivated.

6) No Cortana here in India, though I did try it initially by changing region settings, but it was changed back to normal many days before the heating issue started.

The battery usage app I didn't use much before drain issue, so I don't know what it usually showed. Now though, it is Whatsapp on the top. I am not even going to try uninstalling it, since that beats the purpose of owning a smartphone.

I need some help here. Thank you, guys, in advance.

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