Anyone noticed apps not working?


New member
May 10, 2013
Has anyone noticed apps stop working over the last two days (September 18-20,2014)?
Which apps are not working for you?

What country do you reside in, and what carrier do you have?

What device and OS are you using?

Are you using WiFi or mobile data?

I have not had issues with any apps not working for me, either on WiFi or mobile data. I'm in the US on AT&T, using a Nokia Lumia 920, Cyan + DP Update 1.
I have a ATT 920. Beginning Friday late afternoon the app Header Tiles stopped staying open. Then Saturday afternoon Remembereel stop connecting to OneDrive. Then my friend who also has an ATT 920, called me to see if my Facebook had stopped working. I've done a soft boot, when that didn't work I did a complete reset (the phone had become glitchy since the Cyan update so this gave me 2 reasons to do it). I reinstalled Header Tiles and Remembereel, and she has reinstalled Facebook, but they all keeps closing. It acts like there is a file conflict, so it closes. In searching to see if anyone was having the same problem I did notice postings over the last 3 days about random apps not working and soft resets and reinstalls not working. It could be isolated incidents, or it could be the symptoms of a common denominator.
My friend and I have an ATT 920. The apps affected so far are Header Tiles, Remembereel for me, and Facebook for her. They come on for a second then close. It started for me Friday late afternoon, and for her Saturday late afternoon. We're both on 8.1 Cyan update.
Update: Header Tiles is back up. It got updated yesterday. From talking to some other 920 users they all had a problem with random apps...some still are, but it appears that everything happened after updating OneDrive. Even Header Tiles made some changes in regards to OneDrive so I guess I'll just give the developers some time to update their apps.
Is this connected to the issue with the app store? I still cannot D/L anything. My Blue Skies weather app has reverted back to the trial version and I cannot try to update it since I cannot D/L, still getting error code 80004005. I get this error no matter which app I try installing. I'm in Oregon using an M8.

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