Which app have access to my Phone or outlook.com or Microsoft account?


New member
Sep 17, 2012
My friends received junk mail sent from me recently. This happened before, on January and April this year.

It could be that my account is compromised. So on January after the first round of junk mail, I turn-on 2 steps verification. And I changed my password to a new 15+ characters long with random alphabet, number and symbol password. It took me a few hours just to remember it. And this passowrd is not used else where.

It happened again on April, and I changed my password again.

Now on September, it happened again. Sure I changed my password but what if this is not about my password!

So my guess would be that I have allowed rogue apps or websites to access either my outlook.com account or my Lumia 1520. Now what i have to do to prevent this is to uninstall those apps, block their access to my phone and my outlook.com account

With Facebook, I can see a list of apps that I allow to access my facebook in facebook account setting.
With Gmail, I can do the same.
But I can't seem to find the way to do this on outlook.com or lumia 1520

So my question would be ..

1. How can I figure which app or website have access to my outlook.com address book?
2. How can I figure which app or website have access to my Lumia 1520 address book?

Thank you.
I may be incorrect with this information but as far as I know an app cannot access your MS account. It can access your contact list so if you put your own data in there then obviously it can get that.

It's possible your account was compromised another way and once your contact list and your email is captured they don't need your password to send junk email to your friends, only your email address.

What a lot of people don't understand that to send emails with someone else's email address is fairly simple once you have their email address.
That is exactly what I asked. When install app, some app ask for permission to access Contac list, camera or some other sensor. Now after install about 200 app I would like to know which app have permission to look into my contact.

Same thing with outlook.com I think i allowed some app to be able to access my contact list. I want to see that list.
If you go to windowsphone.com and sign in there with your MS account you can then check under Purchase History the list of apps you installed. Unfortunately there's no easy way to see permissions but then you can at least click on the app and it will take you to the information page which will show you that detail.

I'm doubtful that your phone is the root cause of the email issue you have but I can't be certain of that as I'm not a developer and I'm not sure what level access you can get but my understanding was that these things were fairly limited on WP.

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