Telstra delivers Windows 8.1 to Lumia 925 but there is no Cortana

Kirsty Richards

New member
Apr 17, 2014
I am not a techy and am still learning this stuff but I am in need of some information. Telstra updated my Nokia Lumia 925 to the Microsoft 8.1 update and I am super excited as I can already see the difference. However, there is no Cortana! I thought this was going to come with it? Is it coming later? Please could you help me out?
Also, what is the difference between Lumia Cyan and Lumia Denium?
All very confusing!
Lumia Cyan is with the basic 8.1 Update. It's possible due to carrier permissions and contracts, Cortana was cut out of your phone with your carrier. It might come with Denim but might not. I would also research it, to see if Cortana is accessible through other apps or settings on your phone.
Good luck and hope I helped!

Lumia Denim adds

“Hey Cortana” – an always-on app where you can activate Cortana by simply saying “Hey Cortana” on your Lumia 930 and Lumia 1520.
Lumia Camera – the best camera experience gets even better with faster speeds, improved quality and even easier ways to shoot and share – featuring Moment Capture for 4K-quality videos, Rich Capture for auto HDR and Dynamic Flash, and faster camera loading and shot-to-shot times on the Lumia 930, Lumia 1520 and Icon, plus the same great features with FullHD quality on the Lumia 830.
And more.
For certain regions Cortana is just an alpha release and you need the GDR1 update which you get via the developer preview to activate it. Alternatively you can also set your phone region to US. Your carrier has no say whether you get this feature or not, its part of the 8.1 OS.

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