weird issue help needed

fadi dababneh1

New member
Jun 19, 2014
Hello guys i seem to have a bit of a weird issue when i first bought my lumia 630 its resolution was perfect i could see all the fonts on the tiles and it was the way it should be and everything was perfect but after i updated my software the phone was no longer the beautiful lumia that i had and i could no longer read the fonts on the tiles no more and the apps i open like facebook show me the photos on my news feed and they look awful and when i open google images the images load with a horrible resolution :cry: . I believe that this software has lowered my phones resolution and i tried nokia software recovery tool and nothing happened. Please i need help in this one horrible thoughts of selling my lumia is coming through my mind everyday when i look at my phone. I want my old lumia back
i tried a soft reset and a hard reset and a factory reset a couple of times still no luck :(
I updates my phone in the normal way i just went to setting and phone update i dont think there is another way and after i updated it and the issue happened i tried nokia software recovery tool and the issue was not resolved
Phone resolution is a hardware thing that can't just be lowered by a software update.Try to adjust your data saving settings from the data sense app. That might fix the downloading of low res photos. You could also try to adjust the font size and display from the 'ease of access' and display profile settings. Hope that fixed the issue.
my data saving are off and still low resolution pics and as far as i know you cant change the font on windows phone not on my lumia and could u please tell me more about how to change in the ease of access thing that would be great. and thanks for everyone for trying to help me loving this community :D
There's a slider to change the font 'Size' in the ease of access settings. Also are a number of options related to how fonts are displayed in the web browser under the 'Browser Caption' settings tab.Try them, hope that helps!

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