FB app not showing any pics

i just checked mine - all photos are showing - in fact i think they are now showing "in line"... not sure if they were before or not... but they are now....
i have version which was updated yesterday...
have you tried a power cycle of your phone to see if that helps?
what phone - what version of Windowsphone and what version of FB app are you using?
well - if you're using 8.1 DP - its a developer preview - its a beta software - and there is no guarantee that any apps work as they should....thats the price you pay for trying out beta software -
i am tempted by DP also, but other than update 1 (and its revised start screen et al) i am not missing out on anything it seems so far... but we will see what comes today as i see another update is rolling out as i type this.

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