WPCentral Question
Application Notifications HTC One M8 Windows
I have the HTC One M8 Windows phone running the latest preview for developers. I just got the phone and transferred all my data from my Nokia 928. Now when I go into notifications + actions none of my apps are showing up so I can change the sounds IE facebook, twitter, NFL. The only ones showing up are Email, Messaging, Phone, and store that's it. Why are my other apps that had this feature on my 928 not showing here on the HTC? PLEASE HELP!!!!!!
I have the HTC One M8 Windows phone running the latest preview for developers. I just got the phone and transferred all my data from my Nokia 928. Now when I go into notifications + actions none of my apps are showing up so I can change the sounds IE facebook, twitter, NFL. The only ones showing up are Email, Messaging, Phone, and store that's it. Why are my other apps that had this feature on my 928 not showing here on the HTC? PLEASE HELP!!!!!!