How Long have you been a Windows Phone user?

Nakia Johnson1

New member
Jun 18, 2013
Just a curious question to ask the Windows Phone fans out there. Me i been a Windows Phone user since March 7 2013 when i got my first Windows Phone which was the Nokia Lumia 822. Feb 17 2014 i got the Nokia Lumia 920 and Sept 20 i got the Nokia Lumia 635 on at&t pay as you go.
I've been a Windows Phone user since April 2012. I had the Nokia Lumia 900. I got the Nokia Lumia 920 in February 2014, and that's what I'm using now. I have AT&T.
I have been a Nokia users since more than 6 years. I first bought a Lumia 710, which I still have it which is more than 2 & half years old. I bought 1320 as soon as it came to my country. I've used WP 7.5,7.8,8 & now 8.1
Just a curious question to ask the Windows Phone fans out there. Me i been a Windows Phone user since March 7 2013 when i got my first Windows Phone which was the Nokia Lumia 822. Feb 17 2014 i got the Nokia Lumia 920 and Sept 20 i got the Nokia Lumia 635 on at&t pay as you go.

Been with WP since the very beginning, around 2010. Used WP7, 7.5, 7.8, 8, 8.1, and now 8.1.1

EDIT: If Windows "Mobile" is counted, then Pocket PC 2003, WM5, 6, and 6.5. 6.5 was via custom rom downloaded from XDA. Still have a few of them alive and kicking, mostly HTC built. HTC Wizard, and TyTN. The TyTN took a real kicking and still going strong.
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I started to love Windows Phone at my very first sight on the Lumia 920, back in late 2012... Couldn't afford it, though.

Got my first Windows Phone on April 14th 2013, the Lumia 520. Lost it on May 5th the same year, though.

My second Windows Phone is a Lumia 630, got it in May this year, and it's still here.

And now I'm using a Lumia 930, alongside my 630.
If talking Windows Mobile, I originally started out on the Moto Q. If windows phone wise it was the Samsung Focus S. Not too much of a fan when it comes to that Samsung one though.
I started with the HTC Trophy with WP7 in 2011. If we were counting windows mobile I had a HTC diamond!! The trophy had so much potential. I remember getting excited for The mango updates and cut and paste. Then upgraded to an Lumia 820 then 925... Wonder what my next one will be....
My first Windows Phone was the Lumia 920, purchased the week it was released in November of... whatever year that was.

Back in the Windows Mobile days, I rocked a Verizon XV6900 (a re-branded HTC Touch) for a while.
My first was does phone was a Samsung focus, then focus s, and now a Nokia Lumia 920. Until the 920 and wp8 I wasn't completely sold on windows mobile. I liked it a lot in 7 and definently wasn't happy with me removing Zune but when the 920 came out I was still shopping against getting an amdroid s3. Went with the 920 for the geek factor/appeal and now have no desire to look at android again and will stick with WP.
First was a HTC Canary I believe. Then went to Qtek 9090, loved the Qtek 9100 and then made the turn to android. Wanted the Lumia 920 ended up with the 820 and now the 930.
My first one was HTC HD 7... I can't even remember the year! Before that several windows mobile devices, like HTC Diamond, palms, etc...and it keeps getting better and better!!!

Sent from Lumia 930
My first Windows Phone was the Lumia 920 when it was first released back in 2011. I have since upgraded to a Lumia 1520 and never looked back! My wife who has a Galaxy Note 2, is going to switch and start using my 920. She is so frustrated with the Note 2. All she does is complain how slow it has become. We've tried resetting to factory default, but it always ends up lagging over time. Meanwhile, the 920, even though its almost 3 years old, is still going strong. Has 8.1 with Cyan, no lag, great camera, and it has just about every app she needs. She never even used the S-Pen on the Note 2.
I've been on windows phone phone a little over 6 months. Started with a Lumia 520 and about 2 months ago I switched to the Lumia 820 and loving I have the 930 in my cross hairs

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