Store Payment Bug 8.1.1 Dev

Steve Clews

New member
Jun 25, 2014
Found a small but worth mentioning bug. I downloaded an app today which has an in app purchase, once I clicked on an action in the app a message popped up telling me I need to buy an in app purchase for the action to work. I clicked ok to see how much it costs, the confirm purchase screen launched but instead of clicking cancel I hit the back button. I know yes I should have clicked cancel but as a user I tend to hit the back button often so just habit, however I suddenly received a purchase from Microsoft and then from my PayPal account. Si just a warning that hitting the back button still allows a purchase to go through ---- hit cancel instead (as you should do really)
Always just hit the back button, sounds like you hit the purchase button. Never had this issue on all 4 devices I own and all running the latest DP update.
I wouldn't have gone to the time nor trouble to post this if I thought I may have hit the purchase button. I did just try it again and live from the store its fine but in an in app purchase it cost me 0.79p again and never hit the purchase button but the back button.

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