Does anyone know if there's an app to live stream NFL games to my 1520?


New member
Mar 28, 2014
Just what the title says. I'm moving and wont have cable for a little bit and don't want to go to a sports bar because I'll spend too much money lol.
Verizon has it's NFL app, but I'm not sure if they do live games or not. If your old cable login still works for a bit, you can try the regular web streaming through ESPN or the network sites. Sorry I don't have much more of an answer. Sports is the reason I still pay that crazy monthly bill for cable.
I use NBC Sports Live Extra app to stream soccer games. There are usually NFL games available too. If you don't have an active cable account you probably wont be able to use this app. It always prompts me to log in to my cable account first. You can also try Flash Sports app, this gives you everything from NFL to Tennis. The only down side is that you start with a 7 day trial unless you do a subscription for 30 days($.149), 60 days($2.49) or 90 days($3.99). Dirt cheap. These are the only two apps I've used to stream games on my Lumia (925).
If you don't mind slightly, erm, unofficial (?) streams, try flashvideo. It has a trial and has links to sites such as firstrow and other "unofficial" streams...
Thanks guys for the responses, I'm definitely going to try out those apps and if all else fails I might have to try the flash video.
All the best. When I don't get to watch the games I get quite depressed :'(. Let us know which works for you, just incase someone else stumble by the forum who may have the same question.
Flash sports app is awesome! Watched a little bit of the packers game tonight for a test drive and works just fine. Hopefully my Seahawks game on Monday will be just as smooth and I'll be a very happy camper, thank you guys for the suggestions.
Flash sports app is awesome! Watched a little bit of the packers game tonight for a test drive and works just fine. Hopefully my Seahawks game on Monday will be just as smooth and I'll be a very happy camper, thank you guys for the suggestions.

Glad flash sports works for you. Not a Seahawks fan, but I hope they pull through for you. Happy streaming!

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