Excessive Data Usage on Email?


New member
Jun 27, 2014
I am having a serious issue with email using a very large amount of data. According to data sense the culprit is my GoDaddy Email. I had it checking for updates every 15 minutes due to it being a business email. In a 30 day period it has used 3.5 gigs.

Here is the kicker, I has a 900 prior to this 920 and had it set up the same way plus I had location turned on with a weather app running in background and live tile and in a one month period I never used more than 1.0 gig?

My business partners who also use the same email with android only used 200 MB in the same period with the same configuration.

I am beginning to wonder if this phone has a defect of some nature, has anyone else experienced this issue?

Has anyone had this happen. Thanks for any input
Have you tried deleting and reconnecting the email account, just to see if that makes a difference?

Out of curiosity, is this email account pop, imap or eas?
Have you tried deleting and reconnecting the email account, just to see if that makes a difference?

Out of curiosity, is this email account pop, imap or eas?

I have deleted the email and re-established it. I also wiped the phone clean and re-installed. I had Godaddy reset my email account as well. The email account is POP3. I have used this email with two other phones (BB and Nokia 900 WP7.8) and it used less than a 20th of what its using now?

To give this some context, I have my Yahoo and GoDaddy set up the same - update every two hours and load the last 7 days. In one day the GoDaddy used 220 MB and Yahoo 1 MB?

I have looked through the forums here and not seen anyone else with this issue so I am beginning to think its the phone itself?
It could be some sort of incompatibility between WP and Godaddy.

On the other hand, it could be the emails you're getting. Are there any in the Godaddy account with large images? Or large attachments that you have to download and open?
You can also change settings so it only downloads a portion of the email to start and you have to then choose to download more. It could be downloading everything for everything email which is way more than you think. Also, if check the emails and always choose to download everything. It could also be how WP is handling POP, is there an IMAP option? Maybe WP is stuck downloading all of the POP emails because of how POP3 works, it's not reading from the server, it's removing it from the server.

I also hate to say it, but POP3 email is NOT business email. I have 5 emails syncing, 3 gmail, 1 outlook, 1 exchange corp. and between my wife and I we barely use 1 GB a month shared.
One question I would ask is what types of attachments are in your GoDaddy emails? Are people sending you things with attachments that might be chewing up the bandwidth?

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