Poor signal

Gopi Pandurangan

New member
Jul 8, 2014
I facing a signal problem in my Lumia 720 (windows8.1). Am using Vodafone(2G) and it has good coverage in my town. Is there any solution???
Have you tried a soft reset?

Hold volume down and power button together until the phone vibrates. Phone will restart but no data is lost.

Try that first.
Is there a lot of people in your town using data? Have you been anywhere else where the signal would be better? Just as a check?
I compared with Samsung galaxy it shows full strength n mine shows only 3 bar. Some of my friends told that signal coverage will be bad in Lumia series while compared to Samsung Sony etc.is it true???
I've got a friend who lives just one street over from me. When I go to her house my signal is always dodgy at best, always 2 bars on my 925. But she always seems to have full bars and LTE available. Let's me question the build of my device.
I went and did some searching on the forum but nothing has really come up except of other people having issues but not much in the way of solutions.

I have heard that sometimes setting the phone to airplane mode on and restarting the phone and then turning airplane mode off sometimes helps.

You can try using an app like Search results for "sysapp pusher" | Windows Phone (United Kingdom) to see if you have all your system apps up to date.

The only other option is to try a hard reset or use the Nokia Software Recovery Tool but there's no guarantee that either of these two things will solve the problem.

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