App corner is not working in my Lumia 520?

this is the general method for accessing apps corner
1. go to settings > apps corner
2. you will find a option "Apps (tap to select apps)". click it.
3. you will find a list of installed apps in your device and check box options beside each app, now tick the check boxes for the apps you want to appear in your apps corner. click the ok button.
4. you will find a arrow button and a pin to start button icon. click the arrow button and you will be directed to the apps corner page.
5. you will find a startscreen with the selected apps. this is your app corner page.
if this shows up, you did everything correctly
Apps Corner isn't working on my Nokia 1320 either. I can access Apps Corner, but as soon as I hit the forward launch button it just hangs with the streaming dots going across the screen and after awhile it stops and I am still on the apps corner page and the program hasn't launched. I am running the latest Preview for Developers. Could this be the problem?
its not done buddy. i will try often but it does not work rather it takes much time for creating apps but
but after a long it goes desappear and take us on home screen. then what should we have to do ????

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