Are screen protectors still needed even with the latest Gorilla Glass?


New member
Jan 16, 2013
People still use screen protectors? Honest question. I thought Gorilla is strong enough where with a bit of care we don't have to worry about scratches. I like my 1520 naked and clean looking. I hated screen protectors when I used them way back as they would get dirty on edges plus there was always a small bubble somewhere no matter how hard I tried to get rid of them.
Re: Screen protectors still needed even with the latest Gorilla?

It depends, I always use screen guards, never had that bubble problem or peeling out from edges. Gorilla glass are tough, they won't get scratches easily, but some might get it
Re: Screen protectors still needed even with the latest Gorilla?

Screen protectors are very subjective. I have carried my 920 for two years without any screen protection. There are a few minor scratches on the glass, but I prefer that to having a dull, ugly screen protector on the screen all of the time. I won't use a screen protector anymore. But for some people, it may be a big deal.

My wife's phone is rather scratched up. She carries her phone in her purse, and she puts it on the nightstand screen down overnight, and she has a bunch of little scratches on her screen. For her, a good screen protector may be the right choice. It's kind of a personal choice.
Re: Screen protectors still needed even with the latest Gorilla?

I always use screen protectors. No bubbles for me. It's a must to keep all the dirt away from the beautiful screen. One swipe and voila! All dirt gone.
Re: Screen protectors still needed even with the latest Gorilla?

I thought not until today when I noticed lots of micro scratches on my 930 screen. Will put on a protector asap
Re: Screen protectors still needed even with the latest Gorilla?

I don't use screen protectors anymore. I have a 1520 and use a magnet lock case. As long as I put the phone in my pocket separate from keys and loose change then there is no concern. I clean my phone about 3 times a day and always check the cloth before I use to make sure there is no grit on there. Had it 8 months now and not one scratch. This is also my 1st post so a few likes and thanks would be ideal to boost my ratings 😊
Re: Screen protectors still needed even with the latest Gorilla?

I always use screen protectors. No bubbles for me. It's a must to keep all the dirt away from the beautiful screen. One swipe and voila! All dirt gone.

Not sure I understand. Are you saying it's harder to clean a screen without a screen protector?
Re: Screen protectors still needed even with the latest Gorilla?

I guess the consensus not shockingly is "it depends". I use magnetic belt holster when at my office job, armband when exercising and otherwise only put it in my pocket when not doing some "dirty" activity when there is a potential of something getting into my pocket that may cause abrasion (dirt, sand). Keys, wallet are out of the question in the same pocket; not that I could fit those with 1520 anyway 😊. So in my case I think its ok to take chance and enjoy a naked screen. I do have a Nillkin case thou. Fingers crossed no drops yet as I really don't want to learn the case was not thick enough. Thanks guys! 😊
Don't get me wrong, Gorilla Glass screens are definitely durable but they are more resistant to scratches than to drops.

I've seen several tests of Gorilla Glass 3 being scratched by a knife and not showing any damage, but as soon as it was dropped it would definitely crack. Also the screen isn't as resistant to stones and other outdoor objects, as it is to knives and keys.

I would recommend getting a screen protector, it'll save you from the scratches that may come with dropping the phone and may even prevent screen shattering.

Most screen protectors nowadays are barely noticeable and provide an extra level of protection.

In fact there is a company that called 'dbrand' it makes some amazing skins for mobile, and now they have started making Gorilla Glass screen protectors that are extremely thin, easy to apply and durable.

Sadly dbrand hasn't yet said that they intend to produce for Windows Phones.
I have a Zagg screen protector. I got it on sale from AT&T's website. Since I'm horrid at installing screen protectors, I got it shipped to the local AT&T store. Then I had an AT&T employee who is good at installing screen protectors put it on while I drank coffee at Starbucks in the same shopping centre.

I carry my phone in a pocket that doesn't have anything else in it, but I still use a case and screen protector, since I think it's better to be safe than sorry. I don't take any insurance on my phones, but I've never had one damaged, since I do use cases/screen protectors.
I don't think that a thin piece of film would prevent the glass from being shattered. A case might do.

Use of a screen protector is entirely subjective, some people will say that they're needed and others will go with naked, both groups will have compelling reasons.

The bottom line is this, if you feel you need one, then use one.
Re: Screen protectors still needed even with the latest Gorilla?

Not sure I understand. Are you saying it's harder to clean a screen without a screen protector?
Yes. I can swipe the screen protector with any dry cloth until the dirt goes off. The dirt and scratch usually goes off. But if they don't I can always remove the screen protector and apply a new one. The screen will look like new. Can you do this without the screen protector? If you rub on the screen too many times to get a stubborn dirt or scratch, the screen may get a permanent scratch or damage.
I just replaced my clear-type screen protector after 1 year since 1st day I had the phone with me, and it has protected the glass very well. Earlier today, I paused for a while during the SP replacement to admire the beautiful scratch-less glass screen before laying on the new SP. Aaah such a gorgeous and flawless sight to see hehe..
I've not put screen protectors on my last two Windows Phones. It's a question of how you use it. I don't know whether my phones would withstand constant contact with a pocket full of sand but on average usage, going into pockets, bags etc has been very kind to my screens. Gorilla glass is amazing but it's not fool proof. If you're only concerned with light scratches, scuffs and buffs and your hands are generally free of dirt and grit, there shouldn't necessarily be a problem. If you work on a building site, it's just common sense that your phone will need better protection.
At the beach last year, we walked into a nice sunglasses shop. The owner was this awesome old dude who ran the place for years and years. He had a pair of sunglasses on a cord around his neck, and to demonstrate the scratch-proofness (is that a word??) of the lenses, he would rub his car key on the lens for anyone who cared to watch. He was quick to warn however, dust particles and sand would easily scratch the lenses of these sunglasses.

We tend to forget the old hardness scale from our school science classes, but there are individual particles of dirt or random pocket grit that is harder than steel, and could easily scratch a Gorilla Glass phone screen.

Not carrying your keys in your pocket with your phone is good. Making sure there isn't any grit in your pocket (especially coat pockets or purses) that could cling to your phone's screen is more important.
I have an iPhone4 (considering move to a Lumia 930), it is 4 years old, first Gorilla Glass, no screen protector, no major worries, several falls, no scratches. Gorilla Glass is amazing, no need for protectors.
Not carrying your keys in your pocket with your phone is good. Making sure there isn't any grit in your pocket (especially coat pockets or purses) that could cling to your phone's screen is more important.

Exactly. Call me OCD but I always separate items when I carry them everywhere. Right pocket for my phone and some small folded documents/bills/receipts.. and left is for keys, some spare changes and occasionally my 3yo's milk bottle LOL :winktongue:

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