How can I retrieve the Asphalt 8 Airborne app, it is showing installed in store but the app is not available on my phone?


New member
Oct 9, 2014
asphalt 8 airborne app is showing installed in store but the app is not available in my phone

How can I search app or retrieve it.
I have similar problem. There's no clue of what's happen, and seems like every body play silence about this.
In my case: This app won't showed up any where but in kids corner. Not listed in apps list, games list, storage sense, anywhere. But it showed up on kids corner and better yet updated via app store.
Since the app taking up so much space, i really intrigued by how could this happen?
I would love to hear, and very much appreciated if there's a way to get rid of this.
Thank you.
Last edited:
Re: asphalt 8 airborne app is showing installed in store but the app is not available in my phone

I try to find the app via apps list, games hub, nothing say it listed. But on the site hub said the app is there. Try to play in kids corner, the app show up, but we can't uninstall it. It takes very big amount of storage. Any body has any idea?
Re: asphalt 8 airborne app is showing installed in store but the app is not available in my phone

My case is: The app didn't showed up anywhere but kids corner. Not listed in apps list, games hub, storage sense, anywhere. But it showed up in kids corner, and updated via store hub.
It's huge amount of mega bytes very much annoying. I didn't played it since 6 months ago. I thought i uninstall it, but it didn't uninstalled yet.

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