Can a weaker charger under power/damage a battery? Or maybe even do good?


New member
Jun 17, 2014
So, my Lumia 1520 the 1.5A charger, and I have been using my 521's .75A charger. It's a lot slower, but I heard it'll be better for the batter in it's lifetime. Also, it takes a looong time for it to go from 99 to 100. I dunno if any of this is true, but it'd be great to hear some responses. :) Thanks!
It won't do any difference, the batteries are design to work with fixed amp parameters, so the only change you will see is the slower charging times. I suggest to use the L1520 charger.
Yes, it'll be better. Slower charging means the battery will generate less heat while charging and that's good for Li-ion and Li-Po batteries. Heat kills the battery faster than more recharge cycles. If you're leaving it to charge overnight, the lower amp charger might be a better option.
A lower output charger will take longer to charge your phone, and if it is too low, your phone will not charge.

The faster your phone charges, the more it will heat up the battery, which can be detrimental to the life of the battery. In theory, a slower charge will keep the battery cooler and prolong it, but in practice, I doubt you'll see the difference between the two chargers.
That's why Nokia made very high quality chargers 😃 If you use a less powerful charger, then your phone warns you. But a slower charger and a faster charger doubt do anything to the battery. They just charge batteries at different rates.
Posted Via Tapatalk for Windows Phone.

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