Is there a place to get Windows Phone support / troubleshoot with technician on phone issues?


New member
May 29, 2014
I know Windows has a UserVoice site to make suggestions of features you would like, but I would like to find a place for support / troubleshooting with a technician concerning my 1020 random rebooting?

I have taken various steps to try and discover what it might be... I have turned off features, turned on features, uninstalled apps that might be a problem, turned on and off wifi / bluetooth. Basically I keep plugging away at what might be the issue. On a windows computer I have tools that I can run, as well as looking at Task Manager to see if there is some Process running that should not be. On the phone I don't know how to do that so I cant effectively troubleshoot the same way.

The bottom line is, I want to help the eco system because I truly believe in logic Microsoft has started with, and I would think others like me would be valuable beta testers in making the OS flawless, all I need is either someone on the inside, or perhaps some tools to help discover issues that will frustrate the masses if they were switching to the MS os.
I think there was a way to get ahold of Nokia support at one time. I'm not sure of that status. If you search in your device specific forum you might be able to find a contact. Someone else may be able to provide a better answer.
There is a place called Microsoft live chat. I used them a few times and usually get answered within 10 seconds...its all done by typing so you can only talk to them via keyboard and not on the phone but they have always helped me

Microsoft live chat is the place to go

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