WPCentral Question
I've had nothing but freeze after freeze after freeze when I try to re-sync my phone since I updated my Lumina 1020 to 8.1. Restarting my PC seems to help (sometimes), but when it does finally sync I get the ^%$#@! duplicate Playlist bug. Typically the freeze occurs on the first MP3 that the WinPhone app tries to sync - waiting does nothing; after 15 minutes of waiting I have to kill the .EXE manually to get it to stop.
I'm honestly about ready to call my Windows Phone experiment a failure - every update seems to make the entire phone experience worse, and this is dangerously close to being the last straw. If I can't use my phone for music (a daily use, usually multiple times a day in fact) them it's basically a paperweight.
Can anyone recommend something to try? The complete and utter lack of error messages gives me little to go on, and searching Forums and MS Help threads has so far been a total zero... Thanks in advance.
I'm honestly about ready to call my Windows Phone experiment a failure - every update seems to make the entire phone experience worse, and this is dangerously close to being the last straw. If I can't use my phone for music (a daily use, usually multiple times a day in fact) them it's basically a paperweight.
Can anyone recommend something to try? The complete and utter lack of error messages gives me little to go on, and searching Forums and MS Help threads has so far been a total zero... Thanks in advance.