How do I get ride of the Plash deinstallation bug?


New member
Sep 16, 2014
Plash deinstallation bug

Hey there.
I've experienced an (almost unbelievable) bug.
I tried out "Plash" newsreader-app, but decided it wasn't for me, so I deinstalled it from my device.
Everything looked alright so far (even checked the memory sense app, to make sure it is REALLY deinstalled), no indication of the app on my device anymore.
But the unbelievable thing is: It still gives me toast notifications. I once tapped one of them and, et voila, the app opened.
What's this?

OK. Here's the thing: if you want help, you *need* to give us some basic info.
-Current software version (for all I know you're using Windows Mobile)

Before you try anything, why don't you go for a soft reset, to see if the app really is uninstalled. Or, reinstall, then uninstall once more.

Either way, make sure to contact the developers about this issue.
Re: Plash deinstallation bug

When I went to the app store it read: "App installed". So I couldn't reinstall it. There was an update waiting, which I downloaded. Still the app is nowhere to be seen on my device.
Just tried the soft reset.
Will report on result.
Re: Plash deinstallation bug

Maybe it was Sunday, that prevented notifications from popping up. Everything looked good so far, until recently. But now they started again.
Re: Plash deinstallation bug

Hey Windows Phoenix,

Big Apologies for this.

We will raise the issue with MS. In the meanwhile, is it possible for you to send the email ID with which you signed up for the app ( or FB ID in case you have used FB ) to letsconnect at plash dot in ? ( sorry not allowing us to put the full link )

We will manually unregister you from our notification hub.

Also big request to everyone: If you face any trouble with anything on Plash, please dont hesitate to mail us. The problem will be resolved much more swiftly this way ( than discussing on forum)

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