1. You will first need to download the app .xap file to your PC.
2. Transfer the file to your phone memory or SD card.
3. Click on the app store and when it opens you will find ... on the right bottom.
4. Select Install local apps. You will get the list of all app .xap files you have transferred to your phone.
wowHave you tried using UC Browser?
Are you on WP8 or WP8.1 ?wow �� very very thanks.....
its working!!!!!
But have a problem! after download apps using uc browser its not show in the 'install local app'. After I reboot my device its show in 'install local app.
so please help how to show apps without reboot my device?
please help....
you obviously aren't developing. What ever reasons you are trying to side load apps I would suggest against it. It is a very good way to have issues with your phone.
I am using Nokia Lumia 620, windows phone 8.1 pfd.Are you on WP8 or WP8.1 ?
problems using store-I can't download apps using store over 100mb size its needed wifi. And I am not share app to another wp and if i uninstall the installed app i install the same app again without download.Apps and games for Windows Phone can only be installed using the Windows Phone Store or by downloading from Windowsphone.com after logging in with your Microsoft account.
If you don't have a computer, you will need to use the Windows Phone Store app on your phone. There shouldn't be a reason to download apps using a browser.
Out of interest, what apps are you attempting to install and why isn't the Windows Phone Store method working for you?