Should I be waiting for a new Windows Phone?


New member
Oct 16, 2014
I've decided to make the jump from iOS to Windows Phone.

However, I'm not sure what to do in terms of getting a phone. I was considering getting either the Lumia 1520 or Lumia 930 (thankfully available in all three Australian carriers, unlike the US), but I recently discovered that Lenovo and ZTE is supposed to announce a Windows Phone by the end of the year, both of which will be powerful and, at least with the ZTE, have incredibly large batteries.

Keep in mind that my contract expired a week ago and that I was planning on upgrading on or after the 31st of October, which is when the HSC ends for me.

So...I guess the question is this: Should I get the Lumia 1520/930, or should I wait and see whether Lenovo or ZTE decide to release a phone?
If you think something newer that you'll like better will be available soon, I'd suggest waiting. I'm out of contract myself, but I'm waiting, since I don't think the 830 or HTC M8 Windows Phone are what I want.
I would definitely go 930. The 930 is the new generation design, rounded metallic corners instead of pillow design with angled corners, looks and feels more premium. 5" is the perfect size I think too, 1520 is a bit too large. I couldn't imagine going any other Windows phone OEM than Microsoft. They own about 95% of the windows phone market share and are vertically integrated which means their hardware is always going to be perfectly configured and thought out against the software which they also produce (like apple). Other OEMs will come and go and there is a risk that your device will cease to be supported or the support will be very delayed for new firmware because the other OS's that OEM supports will always take priority.
That's your choice but for me why wait when you can get probably a better spec phone now or wait and see if one comes out on the off chance it is better but maybe it will have less specs and you end up going for a 930/1520 anyways. I have had a 1520 and on a 930 and both are amazing phones now and Nokia are lending me a 830 today to see if I can convince the wife to switch from her xperia. Just remember the amazing support Nokia have given the Lumia family and I'm sure you wont get that with other brands
If you think something newer that you'll like better will be available soon, I'd suggest waiting. I'm out of contract myself, but I'm waiting, since I don't think the 830 or HTC M8 Windows Phone are what I want.

I would do that, but I'm still unsure whether Lenovo or ZTE are even going to follow through with their promise, even though the creative director at Lenovo or something said that they were going to make one before the end of the year.
I've basically got until the 31st of October to wait, and then after that I don't exactly want to wait. This iPhone 5 is starting to wear thin...

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