WPCentral Question
blocking apps from your information
what can I do to block windows store apps from getting location, mac, mic, pics, IP, vid, etc.?
Is there anything like xprivacy for windows?
I know there is app permission settings but the terms of use in the actual app suggest users need to give up far more information- example: angry birds. store permission: internet. terms of service: all they want everything.
My question is how do I block this?
Lets keep this relevant: no straying from the question.
-no what do you have to hide?
-no whiny devs about money lost,
-or why is a big deal,
-or if you don't like it, don't install it.
-no justifying why they need X.
what can I do to block windows store apps from getting location, mac, mic, pics, IP, vid, etc.?
Is there anything like xprivacy for windows?
I know there is app permission settings but the terms of use in the actual app suggest users need to give up far more information- example: angry birds. store permission: internet. terms of service: all they want everything.
My question is how do I block this?
Lets keep this relevant: no straying from the question.
-no what do you have to hide?
-no whiny devs about money lost,
-or why is a big deal,
-or if you don't like it, don't install it.
-no justifying why they need X.