Is now the time to get a Windows Phone?


New member
Oct 11, 2014
Hey folks. I am and have been an android user for years. Recently, ok let's say it was because of Cortana, I have been thinking about switching to a WP. I am on T-Mobile now, which I don't much like, and would be thinking about going back to Verizon. The problem I am finding is that these two carriers think WP is a third rate OS. I say this because of the lack of quality WP devices they have. I am an IT guy, so I love the latest/greatest and go for performance over flash. It seems like AT&T is the only carrier around the US to be embracing WP at all, and I won't go with them because of cost and service. So, I find myself in a dilemma.

Seems like there is no good place for me in WP world right now. I have looked at the M8 at Verizon and the camera isn't nearly good enough and what T-Mobile has is barely any better. So, should I just hold off and hope for something good next year?
If you switch to Verizon, you're bets are that M8 and the Icon if your local store has any still in stock. The Icon would be a great phone, if you can find it. But Verizon is pain to deal with, as they still haven't released Cyan/8.1 onto their phones, which came out back in the spring. I heard Verizon is equally bad for Android users, but it's a bad situation over there.

As far as what is in the pipeline, it's hard to say. There hasn't been any rumors, reliable guesses, stories as to what is coming. We know that Windows 10 phones are a ways out, expect Q2 or Q3 of 2015, so Microsoft cannot be planning to wait THAT long to introduce new top end phones into the US market.
If there's a phone that you like now, then get it. No since waiting around for phones and upgrades that haven't even been announced yet. What you're hoping for may never even come to pass so if you like windows phone, you can't worry about what may come, only what is matters.
A lot of Windows phone people will be long gone before 10 comes out. I own a 820 and a Moto G lte (as my backup), and would love to upgrade my 820. But after the compairson of the 920 vs the 830 (820 has same insides as 920) I find it hard to shell out 450+ for a phone that is only a little improvement over my 820. I am looking at the 735 (only 300 or less) as maybe a tide me over until something better comes along. But it is not even out on the market yet. It almost seems as if Microsoft is trying to get rid of me. Oh yea my wife has a 925 and a 520 as her backup.
I replaced my 920 with a 1520 to hold me over until Windows 10. I really like this thing. I it's big, but I think I can get used to it in a hurry.
I'm heading back to Android or iOS for a while, iPhone 6 Plus or Note 4. Love my 1520 but there's still too much frustrations for me...mostly apps tbh. I've been a regular user since WP7 and always come back to a more improved platform. I'll try again when Windows 10 comes out. Hopefully the niggles for me will be gone by then.
I'm heading back to Android or iOS for a while, iPhone 6 Plus or Note 4. Love my 1520 but there's still too much frustrations for me...mostly apps tbh. I've been a regular user since WP7 and always come back to a more improved platform. I'll try again when Windows 10 comes out. Hopefully the niggles for me will be gone by then.

I'm leaning towards leaving and waiting until they figure it out too. I'm not giving up or calling it a failed experiment yet, but I'm kinda of tired of being a lab rat while MS goes through transition. Once the "one windows" concept is ironed out and the inevitable (and to be fair, expected) initial bugs are worked out, and they release a flagship backed by a stable platform I'd give them another shot.

I haven't totally committed to leaving yet, but it's looking like an iPhone 6 plus at the moment (god I hate saying that).
Jump in now. Buy a low to mid range phone on the carrier of choice and get use to OS and see how you like it. People will scream at you that there are no Apps for WP but ignore them. I would bet that you will find apps to satisfy over 95% of your needs with the other 5% coming when WP10 units hit the streets.

As for is it time: I think you are about 3 years late but you are forgiven.

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