Which phone is better lumia 1320 OR xperia c3?

Lakshmi Patankar

New member
Oct 24, 2014
I want to buy a phone specially good for gaming and camera so which is better windows or android phone
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Re: Which phone is better lumia 1320 OR xperia c2 ?

1520. Huge screen, great for gaming. WP really excels with mobile games. And the 20mp camera is fantastic.
For gaming. Defiantly xperia. Not to forget it's connected to your psn and PlayStation. Windows Phone for camera and high specs.

Take this from a person who has ACTUALLY used BOTH OSs.

Posted Via Tapatalk for Windows Phone.
I'll be real to you, choose the Xperia. There are more games in Android than in Windows Phone. Also Xperia cameras are quite decent for me so there is no problem there...
I'll be real to you, choose the Xperia. There are more games in Android than in Windows Phone. Also Xperia cameras are quite decent for me so there is no problem there...
Highly subjective. There are many quality games that WP has and Android doesn't, and vice versa. Android doesn't have any of the Xbox games like age of empires, assassins creed HD, and many more.

Nokia cameras are far better than the xperia ones, in most of the cases. Youhave manual controls. Manual focus, which is absent in Android, is a great help in tasking macro shots. Even a Lumia 520 can take good macro shots using manual focus. You also have the auto selfie mode, Nokia refocus, etc. Proshot,4 blend hdr and many other camera apps use the Nokia imaging sdk and provide a much better camera experience than Android.
Well, for gaming Android is better, for camera lumias are the best.
Also there are Xbox exclusives for Lumia which is really good.
Still, do a bit of discovery on both phones, if you find specific Android games not available for WP, go for xperia, otherwise surely WP.
Sent from whichever device I happen to be using today.
From the given options, the better bet would be the Xperia C3.

The reason for this would be that the Xperia Z3 offers more compelling specifications and it will definitely outperform a 1320. The back and front camera will also be better. And given that Android has better quality games(and in higher numbers) this is really no competition, the C3 would win.

However C3 seems a bit too expensive for what it has to offer, might I ask how much your budget is? Because then I might be able to guide you to a better device to buy.
i suggest get to separate devices

get a console and get a DSLR
because at the end of the day, a smartphone is still a phone
all these features, gaming, camera, music, videos are just additives
I compared my 1020 to a friends Z2 when it came out. We found both phones to perform well for photos, his edged slightly ahead for some photos and the Nokia for others. Overall his won - mine can take up to 5 seconds to load the camera, his is instant.

Gaming wise, it sucks on WP (the integration others speak of doesn't work properly anymore and hasn't since the xbox one was released).

That being said WP has some other great features (live folders, glance screen, office) which are all much better!

At the end of the day its up to you - try both and see what you prefer.

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