What stuff will you miss when switching from Windows Phone to iPhone?

Double tap to wake, glance, and battery life.
EDIT: OOH and one more thing: myTube's audio mode!
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Absolutely nothing.... Lol are you kidding me? I think the question should be the other way around... Then, there's alot to be missed.
Lol, you are the one who is kidding here. Glance, camera quality, ease of use, beautiful screen, start screen, build quality,... There is a whole world to miss.
Glance, Double tap to wake, Wordflow keyboard, having something a little different to most people, Pureview camera, did I mention Glance?

At least switching to Android you get the next best thing to Glance which is notification LEDs, with iPhone if you miss the initial notification you wont know it's there til the next time you check your phone
I had the same thought a few days ago of what I would miss if I switch back over to iPhone (I seem to have never stayed with one mobile os) and I realized how much of windows phone I would miss. So needless to say, I think I'll stay.
This is kind of unacceptable situation :) Anyway I will hit the most outstanding things to me.
A. System compatibility: USB, PC, Bluetooth, ...
B. Live tiles: static ones are the past
C. Battery duration
D. Integrated Onedrive
E. Three physical keys: far more usable than only one
F. More personal OS
G. Money I had before! 😊
I never owned an iPhone so would not know what I would miss. But would like to know honestly from people if its worth the switch because it does not look like we getting a new flagship from MS anytime soon

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